

Planning and Zoning

1st Tuesday - 6:30pm

Council Meeting

3rd Thursday - 5pm

All meetings are held at:
Town of Verdigris building on Hwy 66

"Let's Make It Great - Together!"

Content on this website provided by residents of Verdigris and in no way implies actions or approvals by the Town of Verdigris. The status of any projects listed is based purely on publicly available information disclosed at open (available to the public) meetings or input by residents in response to various questionnaires and polls. Documents contain the opinions or ideas of residents and information contained herein has not been researched or confirmed as accurate.

Project Finance - Simplified

This page does not address private land ownership, zoning and permits.

Special town development projects are financed in one of several different ways:

  • Town's income from taxes, licenses and judicial enforcements (fines, penalties etc...)
  • Provision of, and payment for, services provided to residents of the town
  • Private donations specific to a project
  • Bond issues for a specific project
  • Grants from private sources, county or federal government
  • Combination of all of the above

Let's talk about Grants!

Money is awarded by government or private organizations for projects based on the characteristics and merits of each project. If you hear about a new project that you disagree with it doesn't mean that you can propose a different project and use the same money!

Often the town may hear about a grant being available to "upgrade a sewer system" or "improve traffic control systems." If the final project doesn't proceed it means the grant money is not awarded and that opportunity is lost.

In many cases, projects are only possible if they meet the criteria laid down by the authority awarding the grant. So, it pays to "keep an ear to the ground" for what grants are available and then build a project for the benefit of the town based on qualifying for that grant money.

Other times the town may identify a need but not have the money to meet that need so we wait until the town has saved enough money or a grant becomes available.

Participate in the Process!

Contributions to this website provided by

Verdigris Residents

Learn the history of Verdigris.