

Planning and Zoning

1st Tuesday - 6:30pm

Council Meeting

3rd Thursday - 5pm

All meetings are held at:
Town of Verdigris building on Hwy 66

"Let's Make It Great - Together!"

Content on this website provided by residents of Verdigris and in no way implies actions or approvals by the Town of Verdigris. The status of any projects listed is based purely on publicly available information disclosed at open (available to the public) meetings or input by residents in response to various questionnaires and polls. Documents contain the opinions or ideas of residents and information contained herein has not been researched or confirmed as accurate.

Building Verdigris - Latest News

Not all Agenda Items are listed here - please check meeting Agendas and Minutes from the town website




June 7th, 2022 - Planning & Zoning

Mallard Lake Development Proposal

An Agenda item to discuss and review a proposed development at Mallard Lake. This is the piece of property adjacent to the MicroTel hotel behind We Street credit Union - at Flint and Hwy 66.

June 7th, 2022 - Planning & Zoning

Scissortail PUD Discussion

An Agenda item to modify the PUD on the Scissortail Golf Course property was discussed. The aim of this change is to allow a developer to put approx 285 lots / homes on the property. The item was tabled pending town attorney input regarding the PUD change. A public hearing will be scheduled at a future date on this ongoing discussion.

May 19th, 2022 - Council Mtg

Riverside Park

Continuing to investigate additional acreage and available grant monies

May 19th, 2022 - Council Mtg

Comprehensive Plan

Consultant hired to help with an updated comprehensive plan for future growth

Participate in the Process!

Contributions to this website provided by

Verdigris Residents

Learn the history of Verdigris.